Thursday, February 28, 2008

You have to try this!

As many of you know, there are so many food blogs out there! I have enjoyed searching through, and saving my favorites. It's exciting to see all the creative cooks out there, and to read about the cooking styles of such different people. Not to mention the recipes you can find on these blogs! The Amateur Gourmet follows the adventures of a now professional food writer in New York, and his excitement for good food is contagious! Check it out, you'll enjoy it!

I saw this pasta recipe on Adam's blog, and it sounded too easy to be for real. But the reviews were all as positive as his original post, so I filed it away in the "recipes to make" section of my brain. It's a vegetarian recipe, so it was perfect for my no-meat lent cooking. Let me just say, I was pleasantly surprised that 5 or 6 ingredients could yield such a hearty, tasty main dish. I wasn't sure about this dish until I actually tasted it, but the way the beans softened up and soaked into the pasta was seriously delicious. And from start to finish this dish couldn't have been more thatn 20 minutes of work. Plus, not many dishes. So really, why aren't you making this yet?!

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